I upgraded my Windows universal forwarder from 5.2 to 6.5.0. All I did was grab the installer from download and install on top of the older config. I am getting a fatal error on the "parameter=tstatsHomePath not configured" is this a typical issue with the upgrade? What should I put in for the tstatsHomePath on the universal forwarder? Should I change the config at the deployment server? for the nix app or any app that uses the os index? How come this didn't error out on any other index config file?
10-07-2016 09:26:18.372 -0500 WARN IndexerService - Indexer was started dirty: splunkd startup may take longer than usual; searches may not be accurate until background fsck completes.
10-07-2016 09:26:18.372 -0500 ERROR IndexConfig - stanza=os Required parameter=tstatsHomePath not configured
10-07-2016 09:26:18.372 -0500 FATAL IndexerService - Cannot load IndexConfig: stanza=os Required parameter=tstatsHomePath not configured
10-07-2016 09:26:18.372 -0500 INFO IndexerService - adjusting tb licenses
10-07-2016 09:26:18.372 -0500 ERROR IndexConfig - stanza=os Required parameter=tstatsHomePath not configured
10-07-2016 09:26:18.372 -0500 FATAL IndexerService - Cannot load IndexConfig: stanza=os Required parameter=tstatsHomePath not configured
10-07-2016 09:26:18.372 -0500 INFO IndexProcessor - Initializing: readonly=false reloading=false