When I'm trying to show the **Proactive Monitoring** > **LUN Detail** dashboard, nothing appear.
After a first dig into the sourcetypes/sources, it appear there are no field named display_name in *sourcetype=ontap:perf source=LunPerfHandler*, so I've replaced the **diplay_name** by **objname** and it works for **LUN Latency (ms)** and **LUN IOPS (Operations/Second)** (because it's based on the same source), but the first one (**LUN Inventory Detail**) still doesn't work.
It seem the **objname** is truncated to 64 chars, so it doesn't works when splunk run this search:
sourcetype=ontap:lun ((source=lun-get-iter) OR (source=lun-list-info)) host="$host$" path="*$name$"
I've appended another star for path="*$name$", so it look like this now: path="*$name$*" and it's works.
It seem to have lots of issue with those data: sourcetype=ontap:perf source=LunPerfHandler (even in the Home dashboard).