Have a log file that is always appended with data. I wish to send the log file details as it is appended, to a destination server which is either run as a typical TCP server or a syslog server. The Universal forwarder only sends raw data which it is not what I desired. It the log file is appended with "date: ipaddress" for example, then my TCP server will just receive the details as "date:ipaddress". Hence I am looking into installing a full splunk instance (i.e. splunk enterprise) so that I can have control over the data I want to send over to my TCP server. However, do I need to create an indexer at my destination? My purpose is only to forward the appended data to destination and my destination will not run any Splunk instance. also, if it is possible, how should I configure my config files i.e. inputs.conf, outputs.conf?