I am using the ldapsearch command on my Splunk 6.3.2 system and SA-ldapsearch 2.2.3 and not getting all of the fields that I am expecting.
The command is:
| ldapsearch search="(&(objectClass=user)(!(objectClass=computer)))" attrs="sAMAccountName,displayName,givenName,sn,department,company,whenCreated"
When I run this, I get a set of records like:
{"sAMAccountName":"Jim.Hargreaves","givenName":"Jim","sn":"Hargreaves","whenCreated":"20150807092238.0Z","displayName":"Jim Hargreaves"}
And I have absolutely NO data in the department and company attributes, as expected.
Does anyone know why this might happen and how to fix it?
Kindest regards,