I have a search where I want the first search to search the previous week (Sunday to Sunday) and then use the same search to search two weeks ago to the previous week. So, for example, if I ran the search on 11 December 2015, I want the first search to run from 29 November to 6 December, and one search to run 22 November to 29 November. I end up having the first week subtracted from the second week, which is why I have them set up as search / subsearch.
I read the time modifiers documentation (http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/6.2.0/SearchReference/SearchTimeModifiers), but I don't understand the logic behind the modifiers. Can someone please confirm if these are the right modifiers (below) to accomplish this. Additionally, when I run this as a scheduled report, does the time in the search override the time in saved in the Splunk query time selector?
Thanks in advance!
`sourcetype="Login" earliest=-1w@w0 latest=@w
| appendcols [search sourcetype="Login" earliest=-2w@w1 latest=@w1 `