I have a situation where Check Point firewalls work as a pair in HA mode where one device is "hot" while the other is in "stand-by" mode.
I need to provide an alert when both devices in a pair fail as this causes a data outage.
The search below identifies all single devices that do not send logs for the last 5 minutes. Subsequently, the lookup table Checkpoint-Hosts-122115.csv is pairing that device with its HA pair. The search shows that the pairing using the lookup table works.
My issue is that I have not been able to leverage the pair device to compute its own delay. As both devices in a pair have to stop sending logs for the outage condition to be met.
FYI, I use tstats as it is more efficient. Checkpoint logs are coming from 60 HA pairs are very noisy. The search runs every 10 mins.
| tstats latest(_time) AS lastTime WHERE index=checkpoint host=* BY host
| eval current=now()
| eval delay1=current-lastTime
| where delay1 > 300
| dedup host
| lookup Checkpoint-Hosts-122115.csv host-pri AS host OUTPUT host-bak
| rename host AS host-pri
| table host-pri delay1 host-bak
host-pri delay1 host-bak
go-bldxfwbpz-bak 675 go-bldxfwbpz-pri
go-bldxfwbpz-pri 3482 go-bldxfwbpz-bak
go-bldxfwe-bak 4023 go-bldxfwe-pri