My workaround reply is still waiting for the moderator to accept the posting.
In the mean-time, I have a new problem that's more difficult to get around.
The device that I am getting Website input to scrape is a BBQ temperature controller, so I don't have much control over what it expects or receives.
The problem I have now come across has to do with HTTP authentication.
With some Wireshark, wget, and telnet testing (manually sending the HTTP request messages), I have figured out what the BBQ temperature controller does not like about HTTP authentication from Website input.
It's the "authorization: command". Website input has the first character in lower-case, which my controller does not like. Wget has the first character in upper-case, which my controller does like and works.
Please would it be possible to have it so that the authorization command can be configurable to be "authorization" or "Authorization" (unless it's really meant to be "Authorization").