Is it possible to show a custom tooltip whenever a user hovers over a slice of a pie chart, or column in a bar chart? I have been looking at this [blog about adding custom tooltip to a table][1], but I cannot see how to apply that to a chart. The ChartView in splunkjs does not have similar methods as the TableView for adding a renderer.
I have data that contains a code (userid) and the name associated with the code (among other things). I am creating a pie chart to display counts by code. However, when the user hovers over the pie-slice, I want to display the code, the name and the counts/percentage in the tooltip. Customers want to count by code, but be able to see what the code maps to in the tooltip. My search looks like this:
index=yc | stats sum(counts) as counts values(fullName) as fullName by userid| sort -counts | head 10
In statistics view, this gives me:
**userid count fullName**
jdoe 35424 John Doe
bsmith 4342 Bob Smith
mjones 4212 Mary Jones
jdoeadeer 1234 John Doe
So if the user hovers over the largest pie slice I'd like the tooltip to display
userid: jdoe
fullName: John Doe
counts: 35424
counts%: 78.2