I am having trouble finding a good way of parsing through my log entries to try and grab the key-value pairs for plotting on a graph.
To be clear, I get one log a day in the format:
2016-06-03 05:00:00 date=201606030000 [Audit Report],**ad=998,adExtension=0,adGroup=160,adunit=0,advertiser=0,advertiserFunds=0,app=0,bidModifier=0,campaign=0,control=0,dataDictionary=1,demandDefinition=0,forexVersion=0,fundTransaction=0,publisher=0,section=0,site=0,summary=0,supplyDefinition=0,targetingAttribute=3682,trackingPixel=0**
I want to generate a graph where I have a line graph
x-axis = Date
y-axis = value
I want a line representing the value for each key for each date so that I can observe the trends for each key (i.e. the ad, adExtension, adunit, etc.)
However, I'm having trouble finding a good way of filtering out only the bolded section in the example log so that I can use it for graphing. I also have the flexibility of changing the format of my log if that would be the best solution.
Help is greatly appreciated.