Prior to 6.3, quotas were enforced instead on a member-by-member basis for SHC we have the System Wide Quote Working. Here is an example for this
Let’s assume that we have 2 members in the cluster- set to run scheduled searches as the other 10 members as adhoc only. The Captain takes into consideration number of members in the cluster who can run scheduled searches?
((24*3)+6 ).85 2 = 132
In this case following settings were used : 24 core machines :
machines total and they are both considered job_servers and run scheduled searches
1 of them is the captain
max_search_per_cpu = 3
base_max_searches = 6
max_searches_perc = 85
auto_summary_perc = 85
When the system-wide Quota is reached splunkd.log files shows following messages.
12-11-2015 11:20:40.790 -0500 WARN SavedSplunker - The maximum number of concurrent scheduled searches has been reached (limits: historical=132, realtime=132). historical=233, realtime=0 ready-to-run scheduled searches are pending.
host = source = /var/hostlinks/farm/splunk/prod/federated-shc-1/9000/home/var/log/splunk/scheduler.log sourcetype = scheduler
Since upgrading to Splunk Version 6.3.1 we are seeing less number of Concurrent Scheduled searches.
Did something changed in 6.3?